Wednesday 18 June 2014

How True- Life Path #7

Life Path Number 7

Seven is another cerebral number, and those with a Life Path number 7 have a loner quality. They need to learn to have faith. If they do not have faith they tend to become very cynical and escape through drugs, alcohol, work, and geography. They have a love of natural beauty: ocean, green grass, plants, flowers, etc. . .

Sevens have an air of mystery and do not want you to know who they are. Intellectual, analytical, intuitive, reserved, natural inclination towards spiritual subjects, aloof, loner, pessimistic, secretive, and insecure; are some of the qualities of those born into the Seventh Life path. A person who is a Life Path 7 is a thinker. If your Life Path is a 7 you are wise and studious. You seek truth and wisdom in all that you do, and search for the underlying answers in everything. Your tendency is to be a perfectionist, and you expect the same from those around you.

Because you are most comfortable by yourself, a loner or introvert, you happily give up the stress and turmoil of a busy life in favor of a quiet, peaceful life of solitude. 7 is a spiritual number, and most 7's are drawn to spiritual pursuits.

Your love of solitude can make it difficult for you to form close relationships. While you value your independence you may often feel lonely or isolated because you lack closeness with others. Because you spend so much time alone, you may lose your consideration for others and become inflexible. One of the challenges for you is to find a balance between maintaining your solitude while not becoming completely isolated. Seven represents spiritual focus, analysis, being original, independent; If you have this number people often feel like they don't know you; you are a mystery, and some may see you as eccentric.

Life path number 7 is the number of a higher awareness, a wider point of view. When all around you are admiring the trees, you're absorbed in the forest. Your lesson is to train yourself to see both. Below are some key points you might want to take into consideration to help you on your path …

You may be afraid of heights, but your heart soars like an eagle. You probably will always see more widely than most around you. Oddly enough, this can also lead to a seeming lack of attention to detail. Don't ignore the details.

Another way to describe your view of life is that you're frequently in touch with "the force." The energy of the world can seem like a pond with a mostly smooth surface. Watch the surface for ripples; many of them are caused by opportunities coming within reach.

You have a stable core, but the exterior can keep your friends and family guessing. You'll more than likely have several careers during your lifetime, or you'll find a way to keep it different and refreshing while you're doing it. If you owned a restaurant, the menu would probably change monthly, even daily.

Make your vacations into mini-adventures or learning expeditions. Take a workshop on something you've always wanted to learn and immerse yourself in it. Or, visit a place you've always been curious about and do the same.

There's a good chance you'd love learning to fly ;)

Evolution IS Happening!! This is just the Beginning!

"Folks, it’s time to evolve. That’s why we’re troubled. You know why our institutions are failing us, the church, the state, everything’s failing? It’s because, um – they’re no longer relevant. We’re supposed to keep evolving. Evolution did not end with us growing opposable thumbs. You do know that, right?”
~ Bill Hicks


Home Reflects Life

True story:
My home IS beautiful,,,, on the outside.
My landscaping, flower beds and trees, the grass is greener and I would love to show it off.
The inside however is not so great. It needs work. Its not tidy, or clean. Its not fashionable or attractive as I wish it to be. I only allow my closest friends come inside because I don't want anyone to see how My Place really looks. Im afraid that it w...ont be good enough, like a new brand new home?

This IS from my heart but the point is, replace "home" with "life" and see if/how it parallels real life. If it makes sense?

I know that my friends do not care, but what I am changing is that I no longer care either I just need to bring it to light to release it. I hope this makes sense to someone too.
Weird eh??? Cheers